All CPY programs are influenced by and implemented according to the CPY Standards. The CPY Standards give children and adults a framework in which to interact with others and take responsibility for their own behavior. In the very early years CPY adapted the standards from Self Enhancement Incorporated (SEI) in Portland, Oregon.
The CPY Standards are founded upon the principles of integrity and respect; integrity, because it exemplifies truthfulness, modesty, and trustworthiness; respect, because it exemplifies courtesy, honor, and reverence.
All children and staff must memorize and model each of the standards.
- Standard #1
In CPY, we greet each other every day with a smile and a handshake to strengthen the relationship between us. - Standard #2
In CPY, we honor and respect each other so we address one another with the proper language and speech. - Standard #3
In CPY, we value the space of ourselves and others and are careful not to intrude or injure each other. - Standard #4
In CPY, we are mindful of what is true and strive to be honest in word and deed. - Standard #5
In CPY, we treasure our rich heritage and hold the cultures of all people in high regard. - Standard #6
In CPY, we strive to reflect our beauty both inwardly in our understanding and outwardly in our appearance.